Monday, August 27, 2012

Aggravation with Atheists

Christians are often accused of being hypocritical. It's true sometimes we are. But when we take a hypocritical stand and we are confronted, we are forced to repent and make it right. Atheists, on the other hand, are unrepentant about their hypocrisy and continue to press their cause.

Atheist deny that God exists, the primary prerequisite for being an Atheist. If there is no God then there is no ultimate authority on right or wrong, no Moral Law. If there is no moral law then why do they continue to make moral judgements at all, including judgements against Christians?

They know and take every advantage of a freedom they inherited from Believers who understood that freedom is a moral ideal that can be realized only through blood and sacrifice. Believers know inherently that freedom is good. If it were left to Atheism, would freedom exist in America and subsequently in the world? Remember, Atheism denies any transcendent Moral Law or "good".

They rail against any Moral Law/Moral Law Giver while making moral judgements on anyone who would acknowledge the Moral Law Giver in the public square. Pure hypocrisy.

They rail against any Moral Law Giver yet expect everyone around them to act in accordance with a transcendent moral law; expecting their banker to know "Thou shalt not steal," and abide by it with their money; expecting their doctor to know "Thou shalt not bear false witness," and abide by it in caring for them...

I know and love a few people who call themselves Atheist. I suspect down deep in my heart they are not really Atheists. They are just angry, hurting individuals who are seeking to vent that anger at any Superior Being who could possibly have let something terrible happen to them or someone they love.

Another question to ask: If there is no ultimate Moral Law/ Moral Law Giver, how can they judge whether what has happened to them or their loved one as being bad (or evil)? They have eliminated the possibility of God's existence because evil has happened to them. How can a loving God allow suffering and misery? (I address this problem in The Message of Pain. See also Frank Turek's,

There is such a thing as Truth. You can know it. You can act on it. We can know what is good and what is evil. In most cases we already do because an Ultimate Moral Law Giver has written this Moral Law into our conscious. The guilt that rises involuntarily when we violate that Moral Law is evidence on the inside of this truth.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Presumtion of Dishonesty

It is chilling and enlightening to see the casual way liberals talk of deliberate dishonesty by their candidate. He can't run on what he really believes or wants to do, you see, and we are perfectly fine with it. As a matter of fact we only punish our candidate if he isn't convincing enough in the lie.

Hey, conservative candidates give that a try...right.